Some ideas come from books, some ideas come from conversations and some ideas come from observations.As we grow up, we constantly keep on knowing new facts about the same thing and keep on evolving our thoughts on phenomenon existing around us.For example, sometimes rains mean arrival of monsoon , sometimes rains mean a refreshing moment and some time rains means tears rolling down.Same natural phenonmenon coinciding with multiple emotional and social moments and in the end we only learn that everytime, there is something new to learn.But the best thing about growing up is getting an idea of oneself.Who we are, what we believe in and how far do we believe in it?It is hard to get all three right and clear but it is not very rare to have a hunch about all three.

The world ,however, is a place of conflicting ideas.The ideas that keep on circulating and continuously keep putting our mind in confusion. For example, What we believe in may require courage but who we are may discourage us to take on that call and ultimate resolution to that conflict comes depending on how far we believe in it.And this can take long long time and in some cases the whole life may pass by just negotiating between what we want and what we can.The world is a crazy place. It has wrapped the human mind with survival instincts and survival comes when courage can be dropped whenever required.But the habit of dropping courage just to survive can definitely impact the extent of courage we can take when it comes to what we believe in.

In the world of glamour and gratification, does it really even matter what we believe in?The answer to this is that we only matter to our environment when the environment knows that we have certain set of beliefs.If we dont have any set of beliefs, the environment also knows that we will have what is served and thus, environment will keep on serving something or the other and keep us getting lost in our confusion.However, in case we have a certain set of beliefs , a certain set of negotiation will start taking place between our mind and our environment.The first thing in this kind of negotiation is questioning of what is getting served to you and do you really want that and if you want something else than whether the environment can serve it.

Environment has its own inertia and forces and it will not let our mind sleep in peace till it starts forcing its own idea of reality and be very sure that our idea can be idealistic but the idea of environment is reality.The clash of this ideas can disturb peace and create chaos.But chaos has one good thing that it will wake us up till we start giving it some kind of order.This shaping of chaos into order is what gives life to human ideas and instills our ideas into environment and thus, in the negotiation of mind and environment both change depending upon who keeps standing strong in the storm.It can be tiring and taxing but it is definitely satisfactory.After all , holding on to oneself is the biggest form of self love one can feel and experience.It is also true that environment may win over us but is it really a big deal? After all in the world of mortals, nothing great happens in the end. Only immortal thing can be our environment who knows how hard our mind was when it was negotiating with it.